Wednesday, June 18, 2008

4 1\2 months old

Sad face...doesn't want to take pictures anymore.

What an angel huh. I think I'll keep him

Love bald babies

My cute boys. What would I do without them?

Father's day snapshots

hanging with Aunt Eve at the carnival

Waiting and waiting for my cousin to come play...but I got tired of waiting and lost it.

4 month shots. Not a fun day again. After getting him calmed down and asleep, we got into the car and the Dr office called and said they forgot to give him one of his shots. So we had to back in for round two. Doesn't make a mom's day at all.

Can hold up his own bottle....we'll sort of.

Cute cheeser smiles

Brogan found his toes. He noticed them wiggling and now can't keep his hands off them. I think he's belly's to big to get them into his mouth just yet. :)


Wendi said...

I love, Love, LOVE these pictures! :D

Ashes said...

Oh those sweet little chubby legs! As I was reading your info on the shots, in the back of my mind I was thinking...aren't there 5shots, and then I kept reading! How frustrating having to go back, SHOTS SUCK!!! Hey whats your email, and we can talk more about digiscrapping!