Tuesday, May 20, 2008

4 months old and a chubber!

Mom and Me- Gardners village!

4 Generations, memories to last a life time!!!

We went with Jeni to Grandma Kristines pirate party and got Brogan his first tatoo!

Sexy Muscles

Such a happy baby, we got so lucky

Dad and Me- Brogan loves his dad talking to him and sitting up his stomach to scream. He loves hearing himself scream now and having screaming wars. Back and forth.

Greg and Jesses babys wall in Vegas. Baby Rohan. Made for an amazing picture.

Got my new shorts and hang'n in the sun on my first visit to Las Vegas!

Hey Babe! Here look'n at you

All the kids from our Vegas friends. So fun to see everyone!

Mom loves beenie boys!

Bowling with the gang- It's was so fun to all four be together and hang out with the kids. Wish we weren't all going to be living in different states so we could do it everyday. I'll never forget this moment looking at us all together. It was what familys and having kids is all about.

Aunt Megan gets the baby to crash.

Cousin Tylan loves Brogan. So sweet to him.

Loves playing with his binki and taking it in and out all day!


Lauren and Trevor said...

I love all the pictures! In some of the pics he looks just like you and in some of them he looks just like Randy. Who do people tell you he looks most like? He is such a cutie. And Laura, you look great! I wish I looked like that a few months after having Bryce!

Maria said...

Love the tattoo! He is growing up fast! I loved all the fun pictures!

Greg and Sarah said...

Cute boy Laura, This is Greg Bilbao! Looks like you are doing great. My blog is

Greg and Sarah said...

So when was Brogan born my boy Dallin was born on Jan 25. It looks like that is about the same as Brogan. Greg

Mandi and Jeff said...

Your family is so cute! I miss you and your craziness... it looks like everything is so fun, new and exciting. I cannot wait to have kids. Hopefully they will be as cute as yours. He is precious!